Engaging audiences with spirited campaigns that resonate
One of the biggest challenges that hospitals face is to how to stay top of mind as their community’s #1 choice for elective procedures and ongoing healthcare.

For MemorialCare Health System and its 5 hospitals and various medical groups, our task was to create marketing communications campaigns that resonated with their target audiences for each of their primary service lines (Cardiology, Orthopedics, Oncology, Women’s Health, etc.). For 7 consecutive years, we helped establish the brand look and feel and created fresh campaigns that engaged the audiences with lively images and headlines. Our integrated campaigns included advertising (print, billboard, transit, frescos) and direct mail.

Engaging audiences with spirited campaigns that resonate
Another challenge that regional hospitals often face is how to overcome their “small-town” perception and attract top medical talent and patients nationally.
Although Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center had existed for decades, there was no unifying brand style or consistent voice marketing efforts and awareness of their extensive medical expertise and investment in medical technology was low. For Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, we struck the right balance of retaining the personal touch that sets them apart while highlighting their world-class medical expertise and technology. We created several campaigns that established a more sophisticated, unified, branded look and voice, and strategically raised awareness of their world-class creds.

We applied new, more sophisticated branding to all their marketing from advertising to collateral for both internal and external audiences, increasing awareness and elevating the perception of the hospital. Our creative efforts were rewarded with a gold HPRMA award, winning over Kaiser Permanente for our “Human Touch” campaign.